Thứ Sáu, 18 tháng 10, 2013

Minnesota fall migration: Sandhill cranes make a comeback

On special sunrise tours Oct. 19-20, see sandhill cranes greet the day and take flight with a ancient cacophony.
Hear sandhill cranes' prehistoric sunrise chorus 
Sandhill cranes lift off at sunrise.
Text & Photos by Lisa Meyers McClintick

"As dawn lightens the landscape at Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge, a group of sandhill cranes lifts up as easily as dandelion seeds blown into the breeze. Every few minutes, a new flock rises, bit by bit, as the pinkish sun appears, ray by ray. The sandhill cranes’ morning serenade continues, gaining strength as they shake off sleep and more join in. It echoes across the water and fills the fall skies around us.

'What felt like the middle of nowhere in pre-dawn darkness now feels like center stage. Golden streaks of sunshine squiggle across the sky and illuminate cranes gracefully arcing across cotton-candy clouds. Their song hits a crescendo, like Mother Nature’s operatic climax for a heavenly Minnesota morning."

A coyote seeks food at Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge.
Sandhill cranes have made a huge comeback in Minnesota and elsewhere. Fall is one of the best times to witness it with groups gathering for migration and staging at places such as Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge. The government shutdown has ended just in time for the public to still jump in and sign up for the special sunrise crane tours this weekend. They can take about 50 each day. If you like this video shot on Sept. 30, imagine three times as many sandhill cranes. They've been gathering all month to feast in fields and prepare for fall migration.

Read my full essay on sandhill cranes' comeback in the Star Tribune's Outdoors Weekend section.

Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 10, 2013

Visiting Uruguayans, in Minnesota for Twin Cities Marathon, Discuss Health Collaboration with Partners

Drs. Pankaj and Kalpna Gupta, two volunteers with Minnesota-Uruguay Partners, hosted a dinner in their home earlier this month for two visitors from Uruguay who were here for the Twin Cities Marathon, widely regarded as one of the most beautiful courses in the country. 

Front Row: Kalpna Gupta, Dr. Tim Tripp, Dr. Oscar Quiñones, Sara Costa, Marcos Villanueva, Amanda Ottman
Standing:  Natalia's Husband, Dr. Natalia Dorf Biderman, Dr. Pankaj Gupta

Dr. Oscar Quiñones a cardiovascular surgeon at the Instituto Cardiología Infantil (Pediatric Cardiology Institute) in Montevideo, Uruguay, was in Minnesota for several days along with his wife, Sara Costa, a diabetic who had been invited to participate as an international runner in the Medtronic-sponsored Marathon on October 6.

The group gathered for dinner in the home of the Guptas the night before the marathon, and then met up after the big event at Woodfire Grill.

Sara and Oscar

Thứ Tư, 9 tháng 10, 2013

Uruguay Musuem Leader Carlos Ortiz Visits Minnesota

Carlos Ortiz, the curator of the renowned Museo Blanes in Montevideo, Uruguay, was in Minnesota in August on a Partners of the Americas grant to participate in the Artful Writing program, an innovative initiative of the Weisman Art Museum at the University of Minnesota.

The unique program addresses an important gap in traditional artist training and helps prepare participants for successful careers. Carlos met with area museum professionals to learn about best practices.

Co- teachers Jamee Yung, museum educator for the Weisman Art Museum, and Stephanie Rollag, PhD student from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and a Teacher Consultant for the Minnesota Writing Project, worked with Carlos throughout his visit, among many other volunteers.

Lyndel King, the director and curator of the Weisman who had traveled to Montevideo earlier this year to carry out a highly successful museum branding workshop, hosted a wonderful reception in her home for Carlos on the eve of his return to Uruguay. Click here to read about Lyndel's visit to Uruguay.